Branded Wellness Merchandise

Kickstarting a corporate wellness program in your company brings coworkers closer, gets everyone motivated to be at work, and overall encourages a healthier and mindful environment in the work place. It is never too late to start a corporate wellness program and you can start at your own pace and size. One way to kick it of is with a simple hydration challenge with handing out hourly marked water bottles to your employees.

We all have been there and hide our secret candy stash in our desk…right? Encourage healthier snack choices in the work place with handing out snack kits that lists what are better snack options and comes with a couple of healthy snack choices. Another idea is to focus on mindfulness by handing out a journal that helps your employees achieve their goals. Goal setting is a great motivation to keep us sane and look at ways that we can improve ourselves. Swellness is a great place to start when you need ideas and motivation to kick off a corporate wellness program in your company. Check out some kits and products perfect for a corporate wellness program!

S.M.A.R.T Journal

With this S.M.A.R.T Journal, challenge your employees to define what they want to achieve. Smart goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

Hydration Challenge Straw Water Bottle

Encourage your employees to drink more water with our Hydration Challenge Water Bottle. Bottle has a 30-ounce capacity and features a grab-handle O-ring and drink-thru flip-up spout.

Healthy Snack Pack Kit in Cotton Pouch

Kick off healthy snack choices in the work place with this adorable snack kit! Comes with a granola bar, fruit leather, and a Healthy Snacking Tips card.

Do you have a project in mind? Feel free to reach out and let us know what you are looking to do. You can email us at or feel free to call us at 866.864.2602.

Sam Sonnenberg

Organization Ninja